Vector Illustration
PSAid is a student design competition put on by CIDI and USAid. Students are asked to harness their creativity to produce a Public Service Announcement that demonstrates why cash donations are the best way to support international disaster relief. During my Junior year of university, colleagues in my program all entered this competition, as well as university students all over the United States.
For my submission, I aimed to blend something familiar to communicate the why cash donations are best. The popular internet game Wordle gives users the correct parts of the entered word to guide the player closer to the target answer. I played off of this concept for my submission, showing how dontated items such as food, water, and clothes help in some ways, but dont necessarily fill all of the needs of disaster relief. Money, on the other hand, can be anything and more!
Out of every submission in the video category, my submission won 1st Place, voted by the judging council of active community servants. My submission also won the Peoples Choice Award in the video category, voted by people all over the ccountry!